Tuesday 5 November 2013

Q - Foo Fighters

The masthead of ‘Q’ magazine is very noticeable. The crimson coloured background, with the ice white finish of the magazine name really catches my eye.The bright red ‘pug’ is very well thought out. The words ‘FREE’ in bold, attracts the audience, knowing they’ll get something out of this magazine when purchased. The word ‘exclusive’ and ‘unheard’ makes the reader feel ‘special’ by involving them in ‘never before seen footage’ of the album. The main image of Dave Grohl, lead singer of the ‘foo Fighters’ is an awesome image to use. The editing added in of the fire exiting his mouth really makes the image stand out (which is the main reason why I chose it.) It makes it look as if he’s shouting aggressively, showing his passion towards music. The words ‘Dave Grohl saves rock. AGAIN’ suggests that he’s portrayed as a god towards the music industry, saving them once again. The colour scheme of red, black and white is apparent through the whole of the cover. This makes the cover look more professional and well organised. The bright colours also attract attention the magazine.

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