Wednesday 6 November 2013

KERRANG! - Slash

I chose to use this contents page taken, once again, from KERRANG! Because of the iconic picture of 'Slash' - former lead guitarist of ACDC. It's weird to see the picture of Slash as ACDC haven't released any songs for years! Slash owns a unique look: long, curley, pitch black hair, all black clothing; including studded leather and gloves, and a slick pair of black mirrored shades to top it all off. Slash is very easy to recognise due to this unique look. The colour scheme is very effective in this page - the use of black and yellow reminds me of a danger zone. suggesting the content within the magazine may be 'dangerous.' The magazine offers a number of ways for the reader to interact with the magazine. The magazine includes: quizes, a chance to win merchandise, and even a poster. Also, ways for the reader to get involved with upcoming events such as gigs and concerts.

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