Monday 4 November 2013

KERRANG! contents page analysis

I chose to use this contents page because of its unique layout. The way in which the paper looks like it has been physically ripped down the left hand side really caught my eye. It flows well with the main text: “it’s a riot!” suggesting the rampaging attitude, towards rock and roll, of the audience who might purchase this particular magazine. The bright red ‘rustic’ effect of the main text gives the page some detail. Not just plain colours and text. The colour layout of red, white and black is a really nice finish. It reminds me of a playing card. The use of a free give away - in this case, a giant poster is a good way to encourage the audience to buy the magazine. The ‘band profiles’ give the reader a chance to ‘get to know’ the band. Once again, involving the reader and catching their attention.

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