Wednesday 13 November 2013


From my research, of music magazines, I can see that the use of big, bold lettering is used frequently, to attract the reader's attention. I found that if the magazine is easier to read (well assembled and laid out) it's more eye-catching and pleasant to look at. The colour scheme of black and white, and also red, is a dominantly used colour scheme. 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

KERRANG! - Slash

I chose to use this contents page taken, once again, from KERRANG! Because of the iconic picture of 'Slash' - former lead guitarist of ACDC. It's weird to see the picture of Slash as ACDC haven't released any songs for years! Slash owns a unique look: long, curley, pitch black hair, all black clothing; including studded leather and gloves, and a slick pair of black mirrored shades to top it all off. Slash is very easy to recognise due to this unique look. The colour scheme is very effective in this page - the use of black and yellow reminds me of a danger zone. suggesting the content within the magazine may be 'dangerous.' The magazine offers a number of ways for the reader to interact with the magazine. The magazine includes: quizes, a chance to win merchandise, and even a poster. Also, ways for the reader to get involved with upcoming events such as gigs and concerts.

"My Dinosaur Life"

I chose to use this article because of the big, colourful text in the centre, potentially dominating the page. Due to the size of the text, it instantly caught my eye. this will also work in the same sense as the customer purchasing the magazine. The man on the page, to the right, is former lead singer of Blink 182, Mark Hoppus - which, initially, is the reason why I chose the magazine, as i'm a big fan of their music. Mark's posture and facial expression sums him up - the band are a humourous group of young men, always playing jokes on eachother and including hysterical moments within their music videos. In my opinion, the big words; reading "My Dinosaur Life" in comparrison to the size in which mark is displayed on the page and his words; "I love being recognized in the street!" could be a metaphorical term for saying that he's, obviously, know in the street. But, also that he loves how big the band is. Because of Blink's 'childish' antics, the layout and style of the page is, somewhat, immature - the 'scribble-styled' font and the toy dinosaur make the page look so simple, it's nice to look at.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Q - Foo Fighters

The masthead of ‘Q’ magazine is very noticeable. The crimson coloured background, with the ice white finish of the magazine name really catches my eye.The bright red ‘pug’ is very well thought out. The words ‘FREE’ in bold, attracts the audience, knowing they’ll get something out of this magazine when purchased. The word ‘exclusive’ and ‘unheard’ makes the reader feel ‘special’ by involving them in ‘never before seen footage’ of the album. The main image of Dave Grohl, lead singer of the ‘foo Fighters’ is an awesome image to use. The editing added in of the fire exiting his mouth really makes the image stand out (which is the main reason why I chose it.) It makes it look as if he’s shouting aggressively, showing his passion towards music. The words ‘Dave Grohl saves rock. AGAIN’ suggests that he’s portrayed as a god towards the music industry, saving them once again. The colour scheme of red, black and white is apparent through the whole of the cover. This makes the cover look more professional and well organised. The bright colours also attract attention the magazine.

Rock Sound - MCR

The bold, capitalised masthead is used to attract the customers eye. The word ‘ROCK’ suggests, obviously, that this magazine is relative to the rock genre. The header informs us that the magazine the magazine includes a ‘FREE CD’ this technique gives the customer another reason to purchase this magazine, investing in more buyers. The main image of the group ,my chemical romance’ is taken from a low angle, or a worm’s eye view. This effect makes the group look dominant, displaying them as an idol, or someone to literally look up to. The way in which the band has chosen to display their name is quite peculiar. The use of the ‘graffiti/scribble’ type font gives a rebellious attitude to them; suggesting their style of music is hard or even punk rock. The colour scheme of green, white and a less distinctive black suggests, again, the genre of music. In this case, punk. The use of these colours almost makes the front cover look like a front cover to a horror film of some sort.

KERRANG! - Lostprophets

The masthead of ‘KERRANG!’ Is very effective. The ‘cracks’ and within the text, gives it the effect that it’s smashing through the page.The use of a ‘free poster’ within the magazine attracts the audience, encouraging them to purchase the magazine. The main image of the band ‘Lostprophets’ is an effective image to use. The expression on the lead singer’s face is witty, making them look confident – suggesting that they’re good at what they do. The ‘pug’ includes dates and information of an upcoming event, relative to the magazine’s genre; rock. This information involves the reader, persuading them to attend these events. The words ‘WIN’ within the bright yellow star shape, involves the reader – giving them a chance to ‘win’ something – giving the magazine another purpose to be purchased.The colour scheme of blue, yellow, black and white is apparent through the whole of the cover. This makes the cover look more professional and well organised. The bright colours also attract attention the magazine.

Monday 4 November 2013

"I'm bringing ginger back!"

I have chosen this article because the title of the article "I'm bringing ginger back!" caught my eye. I also really like the way Ed Sheeran has presented himself. He says that he's still dazzled by the fact he's 'famous' and still doesn't see himself the way other's do. He says "I don't really look like a performer. I look like your brother's mate, or just some kid you went to school with." Suggesting that he's, not at all, big headed. But he may not have faith in himself, or maybe a lack of self-confidence. He proceeds to say "I don't wear expensive clothes or sing about cars and money. Instead i sing about everyday things that people can relate to." This brings out Ed to be a true artist - showing his passion for music. Not just for the fame. The main image of the article really caught my eye, because of the huge landscape of Big Ben, London. Ed's posture and body composition shows us that he's confident and ready to take on whatever comes his way in the music industry.

MCR article analysis

I have chosen to analyse an article, taken from a KERRANG! magazine about the band "My Chemical Romance." The article explains how the band haven't been producing music for he past six months and why. It also tells us that the band will, eventually, release a new album soon after 'The Black Parade.' Gerard Way (lead singer of MCR) says that his music will be alot more 'filthier' than previous songs released and that they will no longer play the 'victims' anymore. The images displayed withing the article show the passion and enthusiasm each individual member of the group have towards music. It shows a number of shots: an action shot of Gerard, himself, on stage 'rocking it out' and a number of others, showing his passion off-stage, and of course the band working together.

Q contents analysis

This is the contents page of the Q magazine analysis I did in a previous post. Similar to the cover, Q has concentrated on lead singer of The Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl. The layout almost ‘breaks away’ at the centre to present him – and, due to the pose, portray him as a powerful, talented artist. The subsidiary image, in the bottom left, is a great shot – displaying a different rock group in action. The way in which the guitarist on the left is airborne makes the shot a lot more appreciative. The way in which he’s standing, looking elsewhere, rather than the camera gives us the impression that he has a ‘bad attitude’ – something in which most rock stars desire.The crimson red header really stands out of the page – also sticking to the Q magazine colour scheme – red, white and black.

KERRANG! contents page analysis

I chose to use this contents page because of its unique layout. The way in which the paper looks like it has been physically ripped down the left hand side really caught my eye. It flows well with the main text: “it’s a riot!” suggesting the rampaging attitude, towards rock and roll, of the audience who might purchase this particular magazine. The bright red ‘rustic’ effect of the main text gives the page some detail. Not just plain colours and text. The colour layout of red, white and black is a really nice finish. It reminds me of a playing card. The use of a free give away - in this case, a giant poster is a good way to encourage the audience to buy the magazine. The ‘band profiles’ give the reader a chance to ‘get to know’ the band. Once again, involving the reader and catching their attention.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Final Outcome

This is the final outcome of the front cover of my magazine. I have chose to stick with my initial design i previously posted, as I liked the way it was presented. The brightly coloured design makes the magazine cover more eye catching - attracting the audience. The only difference between the two, is that the main image of the school boy in uniform has now been changed to an image of Gethin Price in casual clothing. This change was made as I was unable to obtain an image of a school boy. From the starting point of my magazine design, i was pretty certain that this desgin was the one i wanted to put forward. I am fairly pleased with the outcome of my magazine cover.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Magazine Analysis

I have chosen this masthead / title as there is already a well-known magazine called 'The Informer.' By interpreting my own idea of 'The Sixth Former,' it gives the magazine a little sense of humour. The interpretation of 'Sixth Former' imidiately sets a target audience; Sixth Formers. This may encourage teenagers to purchase the magazine, as not many teenagers tend to buy magazines these days. 

There are many sell lines dotted all over the cover or my magazine - the bright, bold colours grab the readers attention, making them want to read on. I highlighted the key words that may make the reader relate and attract their attention. 

The main image of my magazine shows a younger student, in school uniform (obviously prior to sixth form) with a red cross through the center. This image suggests that the uniform is no longer apparent, or maybe even abolished. This, again, shows that the magazine is particularly aimed at sixth formers. 

The header and footer on my magazine is in illuminous yellow. The bright colours grab the readers attention. The word 'FREE,' in red, is an immediate attraction. It almost awards the reader with, in this case, a free coffee. 

The pug and subsidiary image also gives a small insight of the magazine. The well known logo of 'Starbucks' brings a little character to the page. Giving the audience recognition to the brand - familiarising them what could be in store. The word 'NEW' involves the reader, giving them a heads up, and keeping them up to date with the news about the school.