Tuesday 22 April 2014

Question 6

Question  6

"What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?"

Throughout the making of my media magazine I have used a number of different programmes:
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe PhotoShop
  • Blogger
  • Prezi
  • SlideShare
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
A number of these programs I had no idea how to work, before I chose to study Media Studies at AS level. 

The main piece of software used to create my magazine was Adobe InDesign,
a handy piece of software used to create page layouts. It's handy because it allows you to move your page around but keeps it all in line and not messy, all over the page. you can insert columns, used to write my article with easy to use drop caps and pull quotes to make the article much more realistic.

Adobe PhotoShop was used mainly to create interesting images to put into my magazine. I used it to add effects, colour corrections and focuses to
make the images look professional and unique to my layout. I also used PhotoShop to generate my magazine masthead and logo, which is the heart and soul magazine.

Prezi and Slideshare were used to insert my presentations onto my blog. I had some issues in trying to work both programs, in which they wouldn't allow me to embed a code, later on used to insert the actual presentation onto the blog. Because of this, the two programs weren't used to a high standard.
Blogger, ofcourse, was used to create this very post - recording every process made within the year. My step by step guide to make my very own
Music Magazine. My blog is personal to me, customized to my interests. 

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