Saturday 3 May 2014

Question 5


How did you attract/address your audience?

My audience, being a younger generation of Rock / Indie lovers, were targeted through my pictures and choice of music. I used a number of pictures in my magazine, predominantly younger generations of 16 – 18 year olds.
This factor influences teenagers to read the magazine, in relate to the stars. Therefore, my audience will be on the same wave-length as the music artists featured within the pages, resulting in a more ‘trust-worthy’, ‘friend-like’ document.

The whole set-up of the magazine is deliberately similar to ‘Q,’ who share a similar target audience as I do, other than a generation below.

Ultimately, my magazine could be looked upon as a ‘Q Magazine for Teens,’ appealing to my target audience, knowing the content is somewhat similar to one of the leading music magazines on the market.

My article, based on my fictional music group ‘False Society,’ is about a young group of boys who had hit over night fame, and how it has changed their lives. 

I think I speak for every other teenager who’s greatly interested in music, when I say; becoming famous overnight would be ‘a dream come true.’ This scenario sets up a sense of inspiration for young readers. They read the article, seeing through the groups eyes, and maybe relating to it.

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