Thursday 9 January 2014

Contents & article

This is my rough draft of my music magazine contents page. The logo is in the top left to maintain and emphasise the branding within the magazine. The contents is split up into 3 groups; news reviews and features - this just makes it easier to move around the magazine, dividing it into groups. Also there is a 'Plus!' Page that lists any other information that isn't categorised within the three groups. The page will contain an image of the main band, a number of small advertisements and a snapshot of an interview - to show the level of detail. On the left, as you can see, is the 'Band Index' - used to briefly notify the reader on who's featured in the magazine. A contents page in itself! 

This is a rough draft of my music magazine article page. I have decided to stick with the red, black and white colour scheme as it looks proffesional and eye catching. The magazine logo will be placed at the top left corner, just as any other magazine, to ensure that the magazine is branded throughout. I have decided to add a main image of a singer/artist in action to add a serious effect to the page layout - accompanied by three smaller subsidiary images of the band/artist. This gives the reader a chance to almost meet the band. 


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