Saturday 3 May 2014

Question 1

Question 7


Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt
in the progression from it to the full product?

From the very start of the year, when designing my school magazine, I have learnt a great deal of information about the music industry, including functions, audience and distribution. I have also learnt a lot about the technologies and program software used to actually create the magazines, as we were lucky enough to have those programmes in our school.

This is my final outcome of the preliminary task, undertaken in the end of 2013. The magazine’s name was ‘The Sixth Former’ which was a suitable name for the chosen magazine title – informing people about sixth form life in King Henry VIII School. The masthead is poorly placed, taking up a lot of room at the top of the page, which could’ve been used for other information or additional cell lines. As well as the masthead, the main image isn’t at its full potential.

The editing of the image, in this case; the cropping around the actual person, is very edgy, making the image look unprofessional. Because of the poorly placed masthead, I was unable to make the image any bigger, unaware of the difference it would've made. The colour scheme of the magazine isn't very tasteful. The colours tend to clash and make the magazine look quite childish, challenging the fact that we, as sixth formers should be looked at as ‘young adults,’ not children or regular pupils.

There is a lot of dead space within the cover, and it really should have been filled. I think the speech bubbles, used to highlight the cell lines are an inconvenience as they take up too much space.

Besides all of the mistakes I may have made when producing this page, at the time I was unaware of what was coming in the future and what I would have learnt and most definitely gained from the experience. I was fairly proud of this final outcome at the time and received a pleasing grade.

As you can see, there is a huge difference in my quality of work from the start of the year. My work, as a whole, just look a lot better. 

The main image of my final cover looks much more professional. The quality of the image is a lot better than before, and the way I have cropped around the picture is much less jagged, therefore making it look realistic. 

My pug now matches to my chosen colour scheme. This, again, makes it look more professional, corresponding to the colour scheme.  

The whole layout of the page is more structural than my school magazine; for example my cell lines are spread out over the page, not crowding around the main image. This takes the full attention off the main image and focusing on the information too. 

Overall, I have improved immensely throughout my media production, and I wish to participate in such a subject next year.